Amazon & Pachamama

Is Amazon rainforest the key to understand our complex Earth?

The thing is the people living there, the indigenous or native people of the Amazon rainforest, seem to understand our Earth much better than we do without all our science, just thanks to the transmission of knowledge within their own tribes. They have lived there for many thousands of years! They seem to be connected to the plants and animals, to Pachamama (which is Mother Earth) and to all the energy surrounding them. It's like in their vision of the world, everything is interconnected and interacting. Humans are just a small part of this huge living being which is our planet.
Now that this forest is burning, that it's being cut to make palm and soya fields, or furniture, we can ask ourselves, aren't we loosing an important lesson here? Those people in the rain forest are living a life in pure harmony with nature, they do not need money! They have everything they need right there: food, clean water, clean air, protection, healthy environment, medicine, clothing, family, culture and knowledge transmission, entertainment, happiness, joy, love, positive energy... 
What else would a person need in his life? And why are we destroying all this? How can we even consider them as "savages" when they have the most organic, sustainable and agroecological practices on Earth? It breaks my heart to see them suffering! We are destroying their homes so we can have our processed food and industrial meat. Civilized people are so selfish, we deserve to disappear, not them! 

"Only when the last tree has been cut down, the last fish been caught, and the last stream has been poisoned, will we realize we cannot eat money."~Sitting Bull-Lakota Sioux (1831-1890)

