The butterfly effect

Today I visited the Vacaresti Natural Park in Bucharest and I realized that every little step can make a huge difference! The team of the NGO which takes care of this Natural Park recently created a small "garden" for bees and other pollinators, with different melliferous plants and an insect hostel, with an educational purpose...

The pollinators represent a hot topic today, especially because of all these toxic chemicals used in conventional agriculture which affect them dramatically. Indeed, if we don't act now, the bees, the insects and the pollinators from the entire world will disappear in less than a century! If this happens, humans will probably starve to death...

There is a similar NGO in France, Pollinis, ( which works on inventorying the populations of wild bees, on raising awareness among people and on proving the importance of the pollination service brought by these insects! They have discovered that the disappearance of these insects is a worrying problem all around the world:
  • in Porto Rico 98% of the insects disappeared in the last 35 years;
  • since 1947 USA lost 3.5 million colonies of bees;
  • in 63 protected regions in Germany scientists discovered that 75% of the flying insects disappeared in the last 30 years...
  • and the list can go on! 
For those interested by the subject you can read this scientific review:
"Worldwide decline of the entomofauna: A review of its drivers"

There is no time to loose. Every little good action we do for Mother Nature may have an impact later on, for us, our future and our descendants. And if we all do something, the butterfly effect will start to appear sooner or later...
